{! !} Port de plaisance de Pont-de-Vaux - Geographic location

The waterways of Burgundy Franche-Comté, Saône and Rhône valleys

Réseau navigable en Bresse Bourgogne Franche-Comté

Located in the department of Ain, on the border between the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region and the Bourgogne Franche-Comté region, the port of Pont-de-Vaux is linked to the Saône by a canal, the smallest navigable canal in France, 4km long.

Starting point of a vast network of nearly 1200km of rivers and canals, between Burgundy, Bresse and Franche-Comté, the port of Pont-de-Vaux is also an essential stopover halfway between the canals of the north and the Mediterranean.

Less than 15km away, the Seille river is a dream destination. Quiet river in the middle of the Bresse meadows, it is a favorite spot for boaters of Pont-de-Vaux. You can stop over in the charming ports of La Truchère, Cuisery, Loisy, Branges or Louhans, a town with 157 arcades and a place for an authentic poultry market and also famous for its famous dish "Tête de veau".

Further north, the towns of Tournus, Chalon sur Saône, Paray-le-Monial, Dijon, Dole, Auxonne ... are all towns rich in history, culture and gastronomy. The Chalonnais hillsides are very beautiful seen from the canal, while on the Petite Saône, the watercourse tightens on an ever more green nature.

Going south, the Saône valley brings you to Lyon, where it meets the Rhône. You will pass the Beaujolais slopes, the Monts d'Or then the meanders of the Saône, leaving time for boaters to discover the city of Lyon from another angle: from the colorful facades to the redeveloped quays where each bridge is a moment of history that unfolds before your eyes.

Further south this is the Rhône Valley and these vineyard slopes.